Get to Know the Wechsler IQ Test Ratings

Since the mid-1930s, the Wechsler IQ Tests have gained a lot of weight in assessing the intelligence of both adults and children. These series of tests that are widely divided into three different categories depending upon the age bracket they are meant for.

The scores or the Wechsler IQ test ratings delivered after the tests can place the individual into the right category of intelligence. The individual can either be placed as a prodigy, a person with average capabilities or a person with limited or restricted intelligence.

What Can You Find Out From Wechsler Ratings?

The Wechsler IQ test ratings efficiently and successfully place individuals in different IQ levels. Based on these results, the individual is given proper guidance for the future. The scores can either identify the individual as an idiot or someone whose intellectual growth is retarded, an average or absolute genius.

All three of the Wechsler IQ tests namely,

  • WAIS
  • WISC

Are reliable and stay valid in testing the IQ level of the subjects. Based on these criteria, the psychologist is successfully able to gather valuable information.

Wechsler IQ Test Ratings for Idiocy or Restricted Intellectual Growth

Wechsler IQ Test Ratings

According to the Wechsler IQ test ratings, those who score less than the required are placed in the category of mentally retarded. Mentally retarded are not individuals who have an abnormality in functioning; according to the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR), a mentally disabled is an individual whose brain faces substantial limitations in the intellectual operation.

Distribution of Test Ratings in this Category

Profound Idiocy

Any individual who is unable to answer a single question out of the 100,000 items.

Any individual who can score between 1 and ten on the Wechsler IQ Test.

Severe Idiocy

Any individual who can answer only a single question.

Any individual who scores between 11 and 25 on the Wechsler IQ test.


Any individual who cannot answer any more than three questions.

Any individual who scores between 26 and 40 on the Wechsler IQ test.

This individual suffers from moderate retardation and is considered to have a brain of a five-year-old.


Any individual who answers correctly to less than 13 queries where there are 1000 items.

Any individual who scores between 41 and 55 on the test.

The mental age of this adult individual is not more than 8 to 12 years old children.

Border Line

Any individual who does not answer correctly to three or more questions amongst 100 items.

Any individual who scores between 56 and 70.

Wechsler IQ Test Ratings for Average Intellectual Growth

Distribution of Test Ratings in this Category

Below Average

Any individual who answers 16 questions correctly amongst 100 items.

Any individual who can score between 71 and 85 on the Wechsler IQ Test.


Any individual who answers 50 questions correctly amongst 100 items.

Any individual who can score 100 with only a 15 point deviation on the Wechsler IQ Test.

High Average

Any individual who answers 84 questions correctly amongst 100 items.

Any individual who can score between 101 and 115 on the Wechsler IQ Test.

Bright Average

Any individual who answers 95 questions correctly amongst 100 items.

Any individual who can score between 116 and 125 on the Wechsler IQ Test.

Wechsler IQ Test Ratings for Geniuses

Distribution of Test Ratings in this Category


Any individual who answers 98.5 questions correctly amongst 100 items.

Any individual who can score between 126 and 130 on the Wechsler IQ Test.

Super Genius

Any individual who answers 913 questions correctly amongst 1000 items.

Any individual who can score more than 130 on the Wechsler IQ Test.

Can You Improve Your Intelligence to Score Well on Wechsler Test?

Because Wechsler tests are widely being used for schools, companies and even for clinical purposes, it might help to improve your intelligence which in turn can affect your Wechsler IQ test ratings.

Since the test measures IQ level by examining the person through various skill-based examinations, you can strive to practice as much as you can to sharpen your cognitive, linguistic, spoken, mathematical and logical skills by taking practice tests from both online and offline libraries.

Wechsler IQ Test Measures Capabilities and Mental Retardation

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale III and Old Versions

Standardization of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

Reasons Behind Popularity of Wechsler I.Q Tests

Practice with Free IQ Tests

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What do I score? 
If I am between the 95 to 99 percentage range what would my score be??

9913 out of 1000 
You state that a super genius can answer 9913 questions correctly out of 1000. Tell me how that is possible. "2- Super Genius Are you more than …

What's the point in being more? Not rated yet
The more intelligent you are... the more you are aware of your own stupidity. I wish I could be an "idiot" so I could not see ( mine and those that …

I am a genius Not rated yet
I thought I was the child who had an average IQ but it turned out I had a super genius IQ My IQ score is 138 points

Snobbish Psychologists Are Idiots  Not rated yet
How come educated people always get up on their high horses? I guess they don't do too well on IQ tests. (lol)

Grossly Inaccurate Not rated yet
AS a psychologist who is aware of the enormous amount of research that has been poured into the development of these tests, I'm appalled at the inaccuracy …

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