Thoughts on Improving Your Site


I came across your website while doing online research. I have to say that I would love to use your site as a reference for an article I am writing, but it has so many grammatical and punctuation errors that I am unable to use it in good faith. Your site has a very professional look, but it is very poorly written, to the point where some of it is unintelligible.

I suggest that you invest in hiring a writer. I can offer you my services at a reasonable price. If you are interested, contact me through my website at I will give you an example below as to how I would go about fixing your site's problems.

Your Text:
The differential aptitude tests (DAT) are the latest genre of the career aptitude tests. It is realized that general aptitude tests are not such powerful to help in screening candidates for all jobs. The DAT measures you’re aptitudes in eight different areas.

My Revisions
Differential Aptitude Tests, or DATs, are the latest genre in career aptitude tests. General aptitude tests have been shown to be insufficient for screening candidates for all types of jobs. DATs measure aptitudes in eight different areas, making them much more comprehensive than most tests on the market.

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