Tips to Encounter a Stanford Binet IQ test

Many people decide to take an IQ test, or Intelligence Test, at least at one point in their lives. The Stanford Binet IQ test is what many people think of when the phrase “IQ test” is used.

However, what does the Stanford Binet IQ test mean to you?

Besides being the standard IQ test in use today, the test was initially created with the French psychologist Alfred Binet. Binet was tasked by the French government to develop a test that could be used to identify intelligent children, so that they may be placed in special education programs that were catered to their high intelligence. In 1916, a Stanford psychologist by the name of Lewis Terman took this test, based on the work of others such as Theodore Simon, and created the first Stanford Binet IQ test.

This test grew with popularity among psychologists and was adopted by the U.S. Army (who was no stranger to personality and IQ tests at this time), for use in classifying the intelligence of Army recruits. In this revised edition by the U.S. Army, recruits were graded a simple letter, A through E. E was considered a failing grade, whereas an A was deemed excellent. 

From 1916 forward, the Stanford Binet IQ test has been revised a total of 5 times. The current Stanford Binet IQ test of today includes scoring based on five crucial factors. These five factors are:0

Fluid Reasoning (your ability to solve new problems, and determine a solution to an otherwise incorrect or confusing model) 

Knowledge (what you know), Quantitative Reasoning (your ability to analyze a word problem, and find a mathematical solution to it)

Visual-Spatial Processing (how you interpret and analyze a figure or diagram), and Working Memory (also called your short-term memory). 

All of these five factors are separated additionally into verbal and non-verbal categories. It is to prevent problems in scoring individuals with limited communicative abilities, to achieve a more accurate IQ score.

Scoring on your IQ test is relatively simple. At the end of the test, you are provided with your results (on written, standard tests, this can take several weeks). Your resulting numerical score is your IQ. Although scores will vary, the average IQ score is 100. Most psychologists consider a score less than 80 to represent retardation,  and scores over 140 are in the borderline genius category.

If you are facing a Stanford Binet IQ test, you might want to know how to prepare for the test correctly. As always, a good night's sleep is beneficial. Plan on getting at least 8 hours of sleep before your IQ test, so that you will be completely rested. Before you think that you can function adequately on only 6 hours, consider that Albert Einstein slept on average 10 hours a night. If you are not aware, Albert Einstein's IQ was estimated to be anywhere from 160 to 180.  

stanford binet iq test

In addition to a good night's sleep, you should also consider eating a well-balanced breakfast before your IQ test. An ideal breakfast for testing should include fruits (to give you natural sugars for energy), as well as carbohydrates or starches (to give you longer-lasting energy levels than sugars). Cereal and bananas are excellent examples of these foods but stay away from foods such as donuts, pastries, and anything excessively sweet. Although these delicious foods would give you a short-term energy boost, you will quickly run out of energy while taking your test.

On the Stanford Binet IQ test, you are also not permitted to have any outside influence or help. Calculators, cell phones, and portable computers or PDAs will not be allowed into the testing area. One of the best ways to overcome this problem is to familiarize yourself by taking sample IQ tests on the Internet. Although your score may vary on your IQ test as on the Internet, it is good practice exercise for your brain.

Practice with Free IQ Tests

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