by Andy1
(Edmonton, Canada)
I read somewhere that a group of MENSA individuals were going to a MENSA convention, had a map and directions, but became lost en route. I think that is quite funny.
Also, I do think that education does have something to do with the results on IQ tests; for example, if one doesn't focus on math, then it may be difficult to concentrate on math questions due to a mindset or pathways in the brain, perhaps, that aren't set. Or, one might not know what a prime number is, or a hexagon. It might be difficult to add numbers if one has always used a calculator. One can definitely study for test to determine patterns, etc.
At my daughter's school, one she used to attend, they celebrated different kinds of intelligence each month. I don't think all kinds of intelligence are measured by IQ tests. Many individuals who are artistic or good at different levels of psychological or philosophical thought are far more intelligent than some who are logical on different levels - more intelligent in their own way.
Also, some individuals hide behind intellectualism and don't want to compete, feeling superior, but not wanting to fail. They may not socialize believing they are more intelligent; but, really, they are perhaps on only so many levels and aren't emotionally intelligent or can't interact due to a lack of social skills or whatever.
Many plodders get farther ahead than so called intelligent individuals. It depends what success is classified as. The 4.0 grads who only studied won't be as successful overall, perhaps, as one who had a balanced life and achieved 3.0. Also, that person might not be as obsessed with intelligence.
What are the MENSA people doing, for the most part, other than participating in MENSA? How many are accomplishing great things. That would be very interesting to know. I have a family full of intelligent people, but they are not warmly caring, interactive, nice and sympathetic souls. I wish I had a family of a few people who wanted to get together for Christmas or go bowling, or God knows what. I am sick of intelligent people who are detached or full of themselves. I often think of the Russians who used to keep their tractors running, keep food hidden for the family, survived. Meanwhile, many of their kids were the so-called intellectuals, although they weren't the ones surviving. I think the parents who survived were more intelligent on various levels and the kids took the easy self absorbed way out. The highest level of intelligence is when one is enlightened and aware, without dogma. Those self actualized souls who supposedly sit on mountaintops who aren't tested in the everyday day - how enlightened are they, really? Not very if they haven't had to slog through the realities and challenges of everyday life. Priests, for example, they might be aware on a level or two, but maybe it doesn't matter if they haven't gone through family issues, etc. They probably have to be reincarnated - or maybe are already, who knows, but smart people who hide behind intelligence and aren't even polite or interactive or particularly kind aren't all that intelligent on many levels. There is so much b.s. to so much - including intelligence testing.
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