im a 13-r-old boy with an IQ score of 205

by Harry

is an IQ of 205 so good that it startles your examiner? he just stared in shock at me and congratulated me. my parents were so happy. the examiner said i was a very great genius. i dont want to be seen as a genius. i just want to be normal

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Stop picking on this boy!
by: #RaelianChick186

Hello everyone,

I think you should know that it is an abomination that the obscurantist conditioning of modern society is causing this young person to feel isolated because of the way the totalitarian individuals trolling this blog are intimidating this incredible young individual.

These despotic oppressors that have nothing to do but maltreat someone who deserves so much more clearly have something wrong with their lives that they need to vent their anger with the world on someone who is clearly better than them.

This is a prime example of Tall Poppy Syndrome.

Would these people, and you know who you are, please stop posting your arbitrary and capricious opinions on this blog, and I hope some day that you find some inner peace in your lives and won't need to persecute people any longer.

For anyone who is thinking of ripping into me now, I am a 15-year-old girl with an IQ of 186, higher than many people posting these autocratic comments, so it will benefit you in the long run to avoid a conflict with another child with a high IQ, and further compound your problems.



Me again, Mr IQ 205
by: Kizznyc

So ya know its really astonishing why people don't get us. But I guess that makes us normal. And there is always, in us, a constant need to achieve a worldchanging breakthrough. Atleast for me. Coz if ya that smart, then better make the part.

Also I noticed that stating the fact that yer having a genius brain in any form of wording just doesn't get ya anything from normal peeps. I guess we want their approval for being what? different?

So 'I hear You' was supposed to be a one off. But now I feel like the examiner made it a big thing. And for sure you got the same IQ number as mine. round off, sure but still.

Live your life. But you will always have eureka moments. Write em down. Believe me no genius can keep everything in his mind.

Einstein was appreciated for his work not for being a genius. Look at his history before he was successful. Same goes for youtube stars.

by: Anonymous

BTW all those people who are discriminating this poor kid, geniuses don't care about spelling. Those little tiny mistakes, who cares? NOBODY that's a genius, or at least that has common sense. SO STOP DISCRIMINATING THIS 13 YEAR OLD! just Stop! NOBODY CARES. Lie to yourself if you want too. You can have an IQ of 190 and still be very STUPID, though highly unlikely.

Are you kidding me!
by: Anonymous

Are you kidding me?! You just want to be a normal kid and you got an IQ of 205!? That's just crazy. I have an IQ of 158 and that's basically incomparable to over 200! If I had an IQ of over 200 I'd try to become even smarter and, really, I'd be in college right now. I am currently 11 and am in 7th grade but if I had an IQ of over 200...

Wow! That would be crazy. I'd try way harder if I knew I was that smart! I really don't know what you are thinking if you just want to be a normal kid and have an IQ of 200 or more!

I hear you
by: Kizznyc

Hi. Call me Mensan 205. I really understand what its like. Believe me I'm 22 now and my exit from teenage did not go well. But I do believe its the situations that make us activate our potentials. That movie, Lucy, was a dud still some truth. So its not just the IQ its life.

Personality plays a big role. Some cannot share the visible sentient of themselves. I'm bipolar, among other stuff.

So best I can tell you is be humble. And don't get closed off socially. That sux.

Look no matter the digits that your brain scores. Doesn't indicate whether you become a Bieber or just another belieber

Grammar police?
by: Anonymous

stop saying that he's lying, could be telling the truth. Also, geniuses make mistakes too, i have an iq of 150, and yes, im 13, and i should've put an apostrophe in ″i'm. So stop being the grammar police, mistakes happen.

A response to 'Such capitalization skills...... '
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry but IQ scores don't correlate to how people capitalize their sentences.

Just because he has a high IQ score doesn't stop him from being a teenager and not using appropriate language rules for writing on the Internet. Just because he has a high IQ doesn't mean everything has to revolve around this fact. It's the combination of intelligence and other aspects (like creativity) that truly make a person a genius, which I'm sure he has. For example Einstein. He had a high IQ, but as he said himself: 'Logic will take you from A to B but creativity will take you anywhere.'

To the 13 yr old boy, what is normal? Embrace your differences, as this is what makes you unique :)

To " I Don't Belive It ,
by: 161

Before you criticize or chastise this young boy, I suggest that you proofread your comment. You made two grammatical errors yourself!! It appears that you were so concerned bashing a little boy that you, as an adult, made errors. Judge yourself, not others. No one is perfect!

Such capitalization skills......
by: Anonymous

Your IQ can not be 205. These things are not 100% dependable. If you are thirteen you should know to capitalize the begining of a sentence. I knew how to do that in third grade. You should practice.

by: Anonymous

Congrats. You aware the 6th smartest person in the world. Well, that's unbelievably genius, but talk to me about this subject. Talk about to this subject is o sensitive people.

Don't believe it
by: Anonymous

Hi, Harry if you are a 13 year old did not you learn grammar or punctuation in class. Even a year 4 student can write proper sentences with IQ <100. Stop being a 'jackass' and spill the truth. We are here to waste time on trolls. Go home and learn your language. Dammit, I hate people with no word or grammar sense in English.

by: Anonymous

I have an IQ of 150, the highest at my school, and people say I'm lucky and that it can't be true because I'm so weird and don't like doing school work. What I'm trying to say is it's not bad to be "abnormal" it's actually funny because you can surprise people.

Show them what you got, but don't make them feel inferior that's just jackassy. Anyway normal is boring, be fun, exiting, surprising, and be your self

Normal's overrated.
by: Anonymous

I feel like you need to here it from someone your age. I'm a 13 year old girl who rang in at 128. You should be proud of that iq. It's part of who you are, and you should be proud of who you are. And you don't want to be normal. What is normal, anyway? In reality, none of us are normal. We are all different. I don't think you should show it off though, because it makes others feel inferior. Even a simple 128 can make others feel inferior. But you can do great things with that brain, so don't ever wish you were normal. I probably just gave you a complete paradox that may blow up the structure the human mind, but at least I tried. Normal isn't all that, trust me, I've tried for years to be normal. And I'd rather be unique.

by: Doretha Sacks

Thanks for sharing this information.

Directed at the ***
by: Anonymouse

Who are you to say it's the truth?

It's clearly a troubled teen, and all you do is set an example by defending criticism by becoming foul mouthed and a bully.

Original Anon simply suggested that it was a lie, but if it wasn't the kid could always be normal if he chose to be. ********

Note from Editor: I am sorry for the contributor to delete the remaining comments as they were violation of this blog. Please express your valuable but different opinion with a tone of respect to other contributors.

Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation. Oh My!
by: Anonymous

Who are you to say he is lying? I don't recall any IQ test that involved grammar or punctuation, and I have taken good amount of various IQ test my life. The kid is 13, his generation writes in "text speak".

I notice it is usually the bitter, average minded folk who resort to nitpicking grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I am working on reminding myself they are utilizing their ability as best they can within their narrow limit.

If you cannot contribute, then find something to insult instead. Oh! You can't spell! You are not smart! I work with engineers and this is a common abuse tactic fueled by jealousy toward the gifted. Brilliant engineers presenting incredible designs and methods rudely interrupted by pickle lip executives because "you spelled that wrong", "that word should be capitalized", "you forgot a comma", "my butt is getting browner, bring your nose here"

To the young man with an IQ of 205: congratulations. Of course your examiner would be shocked. I advise you to keep it to yourself; you witnessed the typical response when revealing a high score. Seems high IQ is a sensitive subject for some people (intelligent enough to know they are not) and ignites rage and jealousy. This is why we do not find pleasure in associating with them and are more likely to be loners. There are more of them than us. They think they insult and exclude us, but we chose to avoid them. In fact, we despise those plebeians. They are not bright enough to realize that.

Don't focus on your score, instead follow your passions. Your potential is unlimited. Ignore comments from the theater audience. They will just toast their butts flat, gossip, and criticize. Greedily cushioning their rodent cheeks and filling in their dental gaps with butanol popcorn. Dousing the complaint lines in their throats and maximizing their fat lobules with carbonated high fructose corn syrup. Meanwhile, you have the stage to yourself and your performance is epic. It's up to you if you want to be normal or not. In my decades of enduring the normal, I am proud to be far from them.

by: Anonymous

If your IQ is 205, that would be an obvious lie, you should always start your sentences with capitals, and of course a genius would never make a mistake like that. It's obvious that, that's a lie but if it's what you believe is true then congratulations to you. You can always be normal and your IQ doesn't define who you are, if you want to be normal then it's your choice to be normal. If your parents don't give you any, then your parents aren't good parents. That's all I have to say.

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