I scored 150 at 6 years old but now I got 110 and I'm 13

by Blursotong

I scored 150 at 6 years old but now I got 110 and I'm 13...what's happening???

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Too early testing
by: Anonymous

The book Nurture Shock addresses this issue... with bell curves in development and premature testing of young people. The problem is that too many young people are peaking earlier than their peers... which in testing mode puts them in "gifted" ranges (too early) and they too often stay in the gifted programs... taking the spaces of peers who may have caught up and even surpassed their prematurely assessed "gifted" peers.

Don’t worry about it
by: Anonymous

110 is nothing to quibble over, that’s above average.

It was said because Einstein didn’t start talking until very late, age 4, his brain function someone like a person who is born deaf.

They process information, thought, differently more imagery.

Theory is this might have been what enabled him to visualize riding on a particle as it approached the speed of light, that time is relative, he visualized at what a stationary and moving person would see, then found the math to support it. The physics which is an experimental science, math is not, experimental science means they have to prove the math to be true.

Einstein was more mathematician than a physicist.

I often wonder what Little Einstein would test like, then as an adult. My guess at age 4, he isn’t talking, they would be in all kinds of therapy today.

Children, like Einstein as an adult, see things differently, my son at a very early age knew without practice what letter would be on the opposite side of those wooden ABC blocks, I doubt he could now do that with the ease he did, as you mature I could see how an IQ test might change, as you learn other skills.

By the way, people who lack social skills, seem awkward, seem to keep this extraordinary mental ability, I worked around PHDs for over 35 years in the hardcore sciences. The Big Bang Theory is 100 percent correct in their behavior. In some ways, it’s like dealing with a small child.

Right now, I have an IQ of 152
by: Anonymous

I took the test to see what my IQ is. I got a 152 and I'm 11! A few years ago, I took the same test but I got a 125. What's happening to me???

teenagers minds...
by: Anonymous

Teenagers brains are constantly changing and maturing, I would say you are becoming more intelligent in real life, Things that can't be measured, There are so many different types of intelligence, Humans only measure a small amount. Your brain is going through puberty, Don't stress about it, keep the imagination going, Try more artistic things or whatever helps you relax and travel your mind.

Im sure your high score will be awesome after your body finishes growing and changing (and your brain of course) best wishes, sorry for woffle and bad punctuation.

Jenn :) (45 yrs old, 138 IQ atm, but sure i can get 140 :) next time, but i actually hardly ever think of it

You are very intelligent
by: Saqib Ali

Hi Blursotong

It is nothing about age or level of your intelligence. It is about the tests that you have taken at different age levels. Next, every IQ score needs to be qualified by some psychologist before that can be relied upon.

However, I am sure about your intelligence as you are smart enough to see a variation in IQ scores and guts to ask questions. One of my teachers always said, "No question is wrong. The answer may be!"

Have a great day!

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