I Never Met a Smarter Person Than Me
by Shane
(Appleton WI)
I scored above 145 and I never met anyone smarter than me.
I know hundreds of people. Many of people I associate with I would consider smart people, but never have I found myself in the company of someone who I felt was "smarter" than myself. People are sometimes more educated and know more facts, but I solve problems with quicker and more efficient answers than every one I have ever met.
Often I find myself in conversation with people I feel are very intelligent... hoping I found someone "smarter" always finding out the "I.Q." of the person to be in the high 120's or low 130's.
I have met people that I would be sure would test high on an IQ test, but those people often have a sociological defect. I have also met people with talents in arts or great problem and puzzle solving ability greater than mine, but again with more in depth research to the people I find that all other areas I exceed them. I excel at anything I practice, and am pretty good at most things I try the first time.
I never tell my friends I am smarter then them, I often look to them for answers. My life is average. I get crap from people for me keeping myself average, but I am happy.