by Muhammad Siddique Khan Baloch
(Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan)
Where jobs have become dependable upon measurement of IQ levels, this book provides important information about intelligence and its measurement. The “Authentic Ways to Maximize Your Intelligence” contains a lot for students and job seekers on various questions about success in intelligence tests. Many organizations conduct intelligence tests for providing jobs to the potential candidates. The dyslexics can also get benefit from this book as the author used euphemistic approach to elaborate the esoteric and perplexing problems.
After having a comprehensive reading of this book I am personally attracted by the, cogent and the persuasive way, in which one who has no interest in learning IQ , may be attracted. This book would prove perennial as it’s not Esoteric and abstruse in terms of importance for readers. The book is written in colloquial language and its simplicity would have its benefits even for the students of lower grades.
The author of "The Authentic Ways to Maximize Your Intelligence” Mr. Saqib Ali Ateel is known for his public welfare works, like ones he did in Sahiwal District. In his book, he has provided basic information about intelligence and its measurement. He did it vehemently and avoided fluff. Stipulating the history of intelligence tests in the chronological manner from Sir Francis Galton of 19th century to the Alfred Benet and William stern; who used the term IQ first time in 1912.
The author has not only written about different psychometrics but also conjectures of Intelligence measuring. So using his own sense of understanding he pointed out different shortcomings of IQ tests; like measuring is not only by taking test at one specific time when test taker might be in pressure, tension or what if one is taking test after having preparation? While the author works on maximizing intelligence by brain training and by having a diet like Fish; rich in omega 3.
The book tells us about the components that make someone intelligent. This study was conducted by Dr. Adrian Owen. Helping the students and job –seekers understanding what exactly the intelligence is? Author also stipulated here the backdrops of Stanford-Binet scale of intelligence. The author has stipulated that one who has high IQ score or intelligence level must not be over confident for their success that requires hard work in any case.
It has emphasized that learning and intelligence are parallel to each other, so enhanced learning leads to maximization in intelligence. Revealing the truth that the intelligence can be enhanced, so the relatively less intelligent students must not lose hearts and focus on learning.
I for the first time came to know about the concept of Multiple Intelligence and the idea that ability to do any work, like learning is also included in intelligence. More I read the book more horizons of life opened to me, every page opened new doors of understanding intelligence. It showed the author’s determination in a blow to wean the society off the societal problems and to take the society out of mess.
While reading the last chapter I was astounded, by the examples of some exceptional students of the world. It would instigate all readers to work hard.
This book is pivotal, not only for the students and job seekers, but also for the fledgling professionals. It’s thought provoking and clear, not muddied and pompous like some other intelligence research. He wrote the book in a way that makes it easier for even the most pedestrian reader to understand the nature of intelligence. I acclaim this author’s work and to his work in the future.
I would admit that while reading this thought provoking book made me to develop better understanding about the Plato’s ( Greek Philosopher) theory of Education which merely provides the basis of Philosopher king; while conducting and categorizing different tests of aptitude of a same student at different ages of the studentship. In the modern world, this philosophy has been extended to the concept of “Professionalism” Surely convince not only newcomers but professionals’ success in further life.
Muhammad Siddique Khan Baloch Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan,
Contact: +92-345-7442504
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