I am a genius

by the genius ( im not exposing my real name)
(Bristol UK)

i got 152 in an IQ test and i am only 11. this is amazing but it nothing new to me. You see i am very smart, in fact i was the first person in my schools history to get a level six in a s.a.ts prep.

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Schools and IQs
by: Anonymous

School doesn't tend to separate the smarter and or non smart people. What i'm saying is school isn't about measuring if you're able to do the work you are given, you could have an iq of 80 and still get straight a's if you really care that much about school. Places like school measure how much your mind is set on completing the task at hand, for example my iq is 142, I got perfect grades when I wanted to. But when I got discouraged and didn't really care about school I got terrible grades. School just lets you see how your career will turn out because it shows how successful you are when you are motivated to be, and more importantly how often you care about important things. Yes, people with higher iqs tend to get better grades because they care about success. But even more often anybody with an iq over i'd say 138 stop caring about school because they know what it's about so they just got a passing grade like a C if they aren't planning on going to college because they know there is no valid reason to get better grades at the time. You must be one of the small percentage of people with high iqs that actually cares about school grades, either that or you're planning on going to college and you want to be successful with that.

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