How useful is Wonderlic really?

by Dzeffarski


Despite 20 years in my profession, I failed wonderlic and didn't get the position I was interviewing for, and was looking forward to. I was told that I'd have to answer the questions in about 15 seconds each but I'm not the quickest reader and so just reading the questions sometimes took >30 seconds.

As a result I finished just over 1/2 of the questions and the logic questions such as "If builder A makes a quality house, this house was built by builder A, therefore this is a quality house." is correct but if you look at it from "Jim knows Jane, Jane knows Beth, does Jim know Beth?" That last one is a maybe, so it depends on the words they use and when you are in a hurry to get through it, you forget the reversed logic some times... as a result, I did not advance in the interview process and instead stay in my mediocre corporate job with steady hours, steady work and not much room for advancement.

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