Great Overview


I just took the test yesterday and wanted to come back to provide some feedback. This was a good overview of the test, but missing quite a bit of info. To the best of my recollection.

The test was broken up into FOUR sections:
SECTION 1: Personal questions. This is a timed segment, but you answer according to your personal experience.

SECTION 2: Syllable stress in words. This is a timed segment which starts off with simple 2-3 syllable words and moves to more complex words with many syllables. The idea is to ID which word's stress is different from all the words given.

SECTION 3: Grammar. This timed section is actually broken up into 4 segments. The first three have different grammar rules which you must follow for that particular segment. I don't remember if they build upon each, but definitely for the fourth segment you must follow all grammar rules established in the previous segments. I believe it was in the final segment that you have to "translate" simple English sentences following the language rules you were given.

SECTION 4: Picture and word association. This section shows you various pictures with words in the foreign language that you must use to select the correct answer. Again, it starts with simple words to more complex words as the questions progress.

I would make the following

1. KNOW the different parts of a sentence and how they work-noun, verb, adjective, object, subject, possessives, etc. The test is timed, so there's not a lot of time to think which is which, you have to KNOW so that you are able to follow the established rules for your made-up language.

2. The test I took was computerized. If you think you hear the right answer, go ahead and select it; this way if you don't hear anything else that might be the right answer all you have to do is "submit" your response instead of trying to remember which letter (a,b,c,d) corresponded to the correct response.

3. There is a button for the rules. You don't have to remember the rule by heart, you can click on the button and the rule will be shown to you. You must do this for each question.

Additional Notes:

1. On the computerized version, you cannot go back once you submit your answer. Once you submit, the screen moves to the next question/item.

2. Make sure you are ready to listen. You can only "listen to audio" once, so if you miss it, it sucks to be you. You'll just have to do your best.

3. Even if you don't think you know the answer, make your best guess. You are not penalized for wrong answers.

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