Excellent quick analysis - right on target

by Amy

The test results were so precise to my personality, I'll be giving a copy of the result to my spouse so that he can better understand me!!

The only part that was not on target, and I'm not sure which of my responses would have categorized this - I am not a risk taker to the degree of skydiving or bungee jumping.

Excellent method for a team meeting, good tool to help others on your work team (and family members!) understand you better, which always makes for a much more effective work or personal relationship.

The only discrepancy was the degree of risk my personality will tolerate.

For the quick nature of the exercise - I would rate this excellent.

Terrific quick analysis, thank you for the free opportunity!

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by: Danyelle

I am impressed. The only thing that was off is that even though I'm a groundbreaking thinker- I'm great at compromise. I'm usually the mediator and the bender but when I am passionate about something or it's super important- like my kids- I am insanely stubborn and won't budge.

by: Admin

Thanks Amy and others who are appreciating the quality of this free personality test.

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