Am I imaginative?

by Elron

I am a curly haired 12 year-old boy. My parents took me to a psychologist and told me my Iq is 87 which is low average. which is embarrassing because both my older and younger sisters Iq is 115. I have also always thought I am imaginative am I imaginative if my Ian is 87

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by: Chris

Hahahaha. I should say, that is dull minded.

Success does not depend on IQ
by: Saqib Ali

To: Elron

IQ is a measure of your mental alertness when you are subjected to an IQ test. However, it should neither be embarrassing nor a hurdle in success. Your success follows these steps:

1- Clarity of goal- Imaginative people have better chances
2- Persistence in effort
3- Never give up mentality

Higher IQ scores help you to achieve success but lower IQ scores can be covered up with better planning and effort.

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