by Donald Yerke
(Fenton, Michigan 48430)
My results came out as a Groundbreaking Thinker. My mother, teachers, SAT scores and never understood my actions and beliefs. My mother relentlessly tried to forcefully mold me into a strict religious person with early top educational background
Unknown to her, I skipped out of church often. At school I tended to be extremely super bored and was interest only in no academic pursuits. In college prep courses I received poor grades. On an IQ test I was 2nd highest, however on scholastic tests I never even read the questions randomly marking answers. Most college felt my records did not feel I was "college material." I was the reject, never to amount to anything of the family. In college I paid my own way and received almost entirely 'A's. In everything I was a leader.
I never received a guaranteed paycheck, with commission sales relying on my personal abilities. Then I started a nice sales consulting business. Made fantastic money and achieved all my goals by age 50. Happily married for 26 years, became permanently medically disabled and take 26 pills daily. Each day is a joy and adventure, and I maintain sticking up for my high moral beliefs stronger than any family member.
Despite all the doubt my mother, church, and schools had on me, I proved them all wrong. I still posses extreme iron determination and willpower, and I truly fear nothing including death.
A computerized test easily did a job of pegging me 90% accurate. Most people are at least 50% to 70% wrong, probably because my characteristics are so unlike theirs.
Thanks for presenting this "test". it is really assuring that I am one that took my traits, realized them and powered them to the best of my abilities. I am proud at my "deeply paid for scars" by my refusal to join in becoming one of the many sheep.
Have a great day!
Apr 04, 22 04:09 AM
Aug 13, 21 03:20 PM
Aug 13, 21 03:17 PM