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The Psych Up, Issue #006 --Aptitude Test for Computer Programmers
March 03, 2006

Monthly Electronic Newsletter

Prickly Issues and Innovative Solutions

Issue# 6

Editor: Saqib Ali Ateel

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"My Full Time job and this Ezine"


"Programmer Aptitude Test"




It is the longest break since I started publishing this ezine. I am a full time employee in the public sector and perform different administrative and managerial duties. Recently, I was transferred to entirely new location and set of duties. A natural learning curve was required to perform at least normal. Besides, I was overloaded for certain unavoidable situations.

There is still shortage of time but I have just finished an article upon an aptitude test for the jobs of programmers. Relatively, they are newer in the job market. But they are getting more and more important as the usage of computer is increasing all around the world. The better programming skills may cause you to settle your contract on your own terms. However, your competitor may have basic information to encounter programmer aptitude tests.

The article contains a home built sample question. It is a small bite without any claim for expertise. Please note that I rarely affiliate with internet merchandizing websites. That’s why I don’t recommend any company for this kind of test. However, the Google Adsense has been displaying serious business at my website.

Stay Tuned!

Saqib Ali Ateel


Programmer Aptitude Test

Programmer Aptitude Test battery measures your aptitude and potentials for programming profession. You are evaluated for your logical ability and skills to interpret specifications and documentations. Your level of logical skills, precision and reasoning determines your scores in computer programmer aptitude battery.

So there are too many tests, styles and interpretations. They claim to measure your managerial skills required for a job. However, they often measure only the skills that you exhibit during your testing session.

That’s why you should not be off colored when time comes. Prepare well. Practice them. Get first hand knowledge about your strong and weak points. These two styles of management aptitude test may help you to encounter your aptitude testing.

What Computer Aptitude Test for Programming Measures?

Computer aptitude test for programming measures those skills which are required for a professional programmer. You are not required to have to be a master programmer but you need to have strong aptitude and habits to handle programming job. A programmer aptitude test measures:

• Your skill to interpret intricate specifications.

• Your logical ability to remove bottlenecks in the programming process.

• Your skill to focus your attention on minute details. Sometimes, ignoring a single symbol can result in destruction of a whole program.

• How much accurate you are? It is nothing more than a skill to learn to be accurate. Accuracy is important for programming of a professional application.

• Can you solve problems very quickly? You are often required to reason with symbols.

Main Areas of Programmer Aptitude Test

1- Attention To details:

This area of the programmer aptitude test offers some complex expression. You are required to simplify the expression by applying the given rules. You can’t do it without focusing your attention to details.

2- Logical Ability:

How do you solve problems? You are offered questions which require you to follow some kind of logic. You are required to display your understanding of the problem graphically. When you have deep desire for computer programming, you can’t fail in this area.

3- Flowchart Logic:

These problems test the applicant's ability to follow flowchart logic and the concept of simple looping is also added to know the ability of candidate to think the flow. Hence, Procedural ability is a must for programming. Illustrating the computer's 'YES-NO" flow in human terms is greatly facilitated with the use of a flow chart that presents a picture of the computer's logic. Individuals who can easily grasp the concepts behind a flow chart will tend to have an easier time understanding and developing a computer program, since they will have a deeper understanding of the computational processes that are involved.

4- Work according to specific instructions:

These problems test one's ability to work according to some pre-defined specifications and, subsequently, to apply the correct action. E.g. some alphabetic lists are given and are to be sorted according to some specific instructions.

5- Problem-solving:

How good you are at simple problem solving is what is tested by these questions. One needs good mathematical skills to score well here.

6- Recognition of similarities and differences:

Because Programming involves relational needs, an individual must be able to compare, value and distinguish between a variety of objects and situations. This also includes how one set instructions will impact another set. Also to point out when an element of a set does not match the other elements.

Sample Programmer Aptitude Test Question

As an example consider flowchart question of Programming aptitude test:

10 DIM NO(5) 20 NO(1)=5, NO(2)=4 , NO(3)=1 , NO(4)=6 , NO(5)=3 30 FOR I=1 TO 5 40 READ NO(I) 50 NEXT I 60 LET Z=0 70 FOR I=2 TO 5 80 IF NO(I)>=NO(I-1) THEN GOTO 130 90 LET X = NO(I) 100 LET NO(I) = NO(I-1) 110 LET NO(I-1) = X 120 LET Z=1 130 NEXT I 140 IF Z>0 THEN GOTO 60 150 PRINT " REARRANGED NOS. IN ASCENDING ORDER" 160 FOR I = 1 TO 5 170 PRINT NO(I) 180 NEXT I 190 END

One is required to understand the logic behind this king of sorting and expected to answer step by step.

1) We have 5 4 1 6 3

2) Compare first two numbers 5 and 4 ,if second number is smaller Swap it.

3) So result of step 2 will be: 4 5 1 6 3

4) Compare 4 and 1 , if second number is smaller Swap it.

5) So result is: 1 5 4 6 3

6) Compare 1 and 6, again if second number is smaller Swap it but it is not so no change.

7) So result is: 1 5 4 6 3

8) Compare 1 and 3, again if second number is smaller Swap it but it is not so no change.

9) So result is: 1 5 4 6 3

About this Article



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